About Panchrad
Panchrad Pin code is 246275 and postal head office is Baijrao (A) .
Panchrad is surrounded by Nainidanda Tehsil towards South , Pokhra Tehsil towards west , Rikhnikhal Tehsil towards west , Syaldey Tehsil towards East .
Pauri Garhwal district was a part of the erstwhile Garhwal Kingdom ruled by the Pal (Shah) dynasty. The throne of the King was at Srinagar. In 1803 Gurkhas, after many unsuccessful attempts, finally succeeded in capturing Garhwal by defeating the army of King Pradyumna Shah. In 1816, the British defeated the Gurkhas in the Anglo-Nepalese War, and the Garhwal Kingdom was re-established in Tehri.Andkil is the smallest village in uttaranchal (population wise) under 40 persons.Its near Ekeshwar.